
In a Rut…Lets get you OUT!

Hello my sweet sweet friends.  Hope you all are doing well on this gorgeous day wherever you are in the world.  Where I live, there is snow on the ground, so it’s pretty cold, but pretty.  We all get into ruts sometimes. We feel uninspired, we feel lost and just no motivation to do anything.  I’m here to tell you that it’s ok to feel that way and that there are ways to help you get out of that…so if you want to know how to get out of your rut…
                                                                 continue reading…..
Tip # 1: Change your perspective.
        -Sometimes we get in our head that we can only think one way.  That we shouldn’t have an opinion, that life should be black and white.  So not true!  Changing the way you think about things, having a different opinion than you used or even forming some sort of spiritual ritual can help you see things in a different light.  Life is not black and white and it can take time to see that, but by changing the way you view things, it can help you understand everything so much better.
Tip # 2: Change your space
        -This is self explanatory but go change your environment.  Go shopping and pick out new pillows, furniture or just really small decorative items to make the space feel different.  Rearrange the furniture and have a special spot where it’s just yours.  Whatever you do, change it and see how much of a difference that can make.
Tip # 3: Be honest with yourself
        -This is a hard one and one you may not want to do, but is necessary.  If you are in a rut, write down and figure what happened to the fire in you.  Did you get out of a bad relationship, are their personal things in your life that are just dragging your mood down, do you feel you never have time for yourself, etc.  Really think about it and then come up with solutions on what you can do to fix it.  If you do this, I promise you, it will make a world of difference in your every day life.
Tip # 4: Stop thinking and start doing
        -Don’t think so much about what it is you want to do.  Just go out and do it.  If you want to write an ebook or a short story, don’t wait for others to tell you to do it, just do it.  If you want to go for your dream job, go for it.  You don’t need to wait for people to tell you to do something that you want to do.  If you do that, you will never do it, and you will have regrets later.
Tip # 5: Get inspired
        -Ok so personal story, I have been trying to figure out how to take better photos.  I found this amazing app, tried it and I love it.  It inspired me to take photos and hopefully be able to upload them on to here.  So go adventuring and get inspired.  Get your fire back and you will feel happier.
Tip # 6: Never Give UP!
        -No matter what you do to get out of your rut, never give up.  You will get out of it if you put the work into it and it’s important to you.  Never let others bring you down and tell you that you can’t do something…because they are wrong!
Question of the day:
If you try any of these let me know if they have worked. the comments below, what are ways that you get out of your Ruts?  Til next time 🙂


28 thoughts on “In a Rut…Lets get you OUT!

  1. I couldn’t agree more with your tip to change your space. This is especially true for me if I’m in a writing rut. When I feel like I just can’t get blog posts written, I head to my local coffee shop for a change of scenery!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. With the cold weather approaching this is the time of year where I always feel in a rut. Love that you have put so much thought into this post and provide actionable solutions. I needed this little pick me up today. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tips!! This one is so hard for me…I tend to obsess….”Don’t think so much about what it is you want to do. ” ugh lol. The good news is, I am always making steps towards figuring out what i want to do…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love these tips! I often find that trying something new gets me out of my rut. And “stop thinking & start doing” is the best advice! Sometimes I’ll ponder everything to the point of getting absolutely nowhere and it’s best to just get started!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome. Museums are an awesome way to get inspired. When I used to be in a rut, I used to go down by this pond I used to live by and just sit there. Used to help me every time. 🙂


  5. Yes! Tip number 4 is exactly what I do! It’s how I started my blog, how I ended up with my current hair color, how I bought a Jeep – haha! I just DO when it feels right.

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